Friday, July 24, 2009

The Friday Five

University holidays, messy Saturday nights, and a problem with my Iliotibial Band have seen my blogging attempts become as erratic as Dwight Howard at the free throw line during The Finals. My Iliotibial Band you say? I will let Dr. Jan Itor explain.

Pretty much what has occured with The Sixteenth Man, is a tightening of the muscle that runs vertically along the side of his quadracep muscle. This tightening has caused his knee cap to be pulled to the left, which has subsequently over worked the opposite side of his knee, causing some inflamation and tendonitis. My prognosis? He needs to harden the fuck up and stop listening to Taylor Swift.

Ok so obviously the title of this blog implies that this little "Friday Five" thing is going to be on a Friday, and involve a list of the five most "whatever" things that have occured. Yes, the five most whatever things. Whether they be important, funny, eccentric or just plain unimportant, I will cover it in the only way I posting an entry?

FRIDAY FIVE - 24th JULY 2009

1 - We Are Finally Witnesses. Thanks to this video, we no longer have to bitch and moan about LeBron and his lackies at Nike for confiscating video of Jordan Crawford dunking over him. TMZ had a Paris Hilton Sex Tape-esque version of the dunk, which I prefer. It hides the fact that the dunk is actually pretty weak in relation to the amount of hype and drama around it. It isn't McGrady over Bradley, Azria over Hill or Carter over Weis. Yes it was nice, and props to Crawford for the way he handled it all. So no more Lebron drama until Free Agency next year right? Wrong.

2 - The power balance in the West is still undecided. Lamar Odom is yet to re-sign with the Lakers, with the Heat also part of the Rumour Mill for the big man. If he signs with the Heat, the arms race in the East really is in full swing, with the Magic, Celtics and to a lesser extent the Cavaliers moving towards stacking the team from 1-12.

3 - Over the last few weeks, have you noticed a change in the tides? A change in the time of sunset and sunrise? Any sudden tremors or shakes in the foundations of your house hold? Well, this can be contributed to Eddy Curry losing 50 pounds. Such a massive weight changing even this slightly can throw the earth of its axis.

4 - The Summer League is over. Is it me, or did it have nowhere near the level of impact it has had in previous years? All I have taken out of it is; DeMar Derozan is the new Air Canada and that Brandon Jennings and Amir Johnson together are the new Chris Paul/Tyson Chandler combo.

5 - NBA Live 10 released their first "gameplay" trailer yesterday. Some nice inclusions. Check it out in HD here.


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